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Meeting minutes for Oct. 21, 2017

Heisey glass and materials on display

The club met at the home of Home of Marv and Joann.

Members present were Eileen, Chuck, Marv and Joann, Bob and Bev, Virginia, Courtney and Marc, Carole and Gordon, and Doug and Mary. Former members Kay and Warren, who were charter members, attended and announced that they will renew their membership.

President Doug called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.

Members indicated they had read minutes of the previous meeting, which had been distributed via email. Virginia moved to dispense with reading of the minutes and to approve them with minor corrections; Bob seconded the motion and minutes were approved.

Treasurer Bob distributed a report indicating that the club has a balance of $361.23. Carole moved approval, Bev seconded the motion and the treasurer’s report was approved.

Old Business


Doug reminded members he had asked at the last meeting for members to think about when they would like to host meetings and do programs for the coming year. The following members agreed to host:

  • March 17, Virginia will host, Mary will provide a program.

  • May 19, Carole and Gordon will host; there will be a mini auction instead of a program.

  • Aug. 11, Bob and Bev will host; the program will be plans for the Percy and Vivian Moore dinner.

  • Oct. 14, Mary and Doug will host and provide the program.

Holiday gathering

Doug and Mary agreed to do host the annual holiday party on Sunday, Dec. 3 beginning at 1 p.m. They will provide an entrée. Other members agreed to bring the following:

  • Bev and Bob, salad

  • Chuck, bread

  • Carole and Bob, dessert

  • Courtney and Marc, wine and/or punch

  • Eileen, salad

  • Joann and Marv, appetizer or relishes

  • Kay and Warren, Christmas bread

Percy and Vivian Moore dinner recap

Bob and Bev and Mary and Doug attended HCA’s annual Percy and Vivian Moore Dinner, which was held in Newark, Ohio.

Doug commented that he was very impressed with the Heisey museum and especially enjoyed the tour of the Mosser Glass showroom and factory in Cambridge, Ohio.

Bob said he and Bev visited the Cambridge glass museum following the tour and described it as a beautiful museum.

HCA’s Fall Select Auction was held the day following the dinner. Bob said he felt it was well attended with net sales of just over $40,000 and gross earnings of over $7,635, which is significantly above the budget project of $4,700. The highest bid went to an Aristocrat footed urn candy jar in cobalt, which sold for $1,750.

During the annual Heisey Collectors of America (HCA) meeting it was announced that the Heisey endowment fund is now at approximately $4.2 million. Bev expressed concern that HCA has not had in audit in some time because the HCA board felt the cost was prohibitive.

Following the meeting, Bev reviewed HCA’s bylaws and reported that they do require an annual audit.

Mary suggested Northwoods Heisey send a letter to HCA asking that an audit be conducted. Doug suggested we ask members of other clubs, such as the Great Plains Club, if they would join our club in asking for an audit. Eileen made a motion that if other clubs are interested in sending a letter to HCA requesting an audit, that we send one as well, Marc seconded the motion; motion passed.

Mary suggested the club investigate this topic with other clubs and members around the country. She and Bev will contact other clubs to gauge their interest.

Percy and Vivian Moore Dinner for 2018

During the August meeting, the club authorized Bev and Mary to explore the possibility of Northwoods Heisey hosting the 2018 Percy and Vivian Moore dinner in Minnesota. After discussing tentative plans and determining that it would be feasible, Bev presented a proposal to the HCA board that our club host the next dinner. The HCA board immediately accepted the proposal.

Bob prepared and printed invitations to the dinner, which were presented to all those who attended this year’s dinner in Newark. In addition, Mary spoke at the dinner, inviting all to attend next year’s dinner in Minnesota Sept. 21 and 22. Bev and Bob will also distribute invitations to members of the Great Plains club when they attend their meeting in November. Bev said 55 to 80 people generally attend the event.

Bev outlined tentative plans for the event:

  • The Sept. 21 welcome dinner will be catered at the Pavilion in Edina, which seats up to 125 people. Bob and Bev intend to underwrite the $1,000 cost of room rental for this event.

  • Mary and Doug will host a wine and cheese open house at their home in St. Paul Sept. 22 prior to the banquet. They will choose a location for the banquet - possibly W.A. Frost, the University Club or the Commodore, all in easy walking distance of their home.

  • Bob and Bev will also host an open house to give participants an opportunity to view their glass collection.

Bev asked club members to consider what tasks they could help with. The following will be needed:

  • Publicity

  • Welcome bags, 1 per couple, with information about sites in the area, nametags, maps, etc.

  • Registration

  • Hosts and hostesses for both dinners.

  • Lists of area sites for people to visit.

  • Centerpieces for the dinners.

  • Glass items valued at $100 or more for both the silent and live auctions (plus packing and a box for each).

Bev suggested that money raised through our spring raffle and auction be used to help defray costs of the event. Virginia questioned whether this was allowed under our by-laws.

Doug thanked Bev and Mary for getting this organized.

Bev moved to adjourn at 1:53 p.m. Bob seconded the motion and it passed.


Marv presented a program titled, Is it Heisey? He said it helps to have 20/20 vision, a photographic memory and the ability to speed read a wealth of resources material when it comes to correctly identifying Heisey glass. He shared a number of items that he and Jo have picked up over the year, some of which remain a mystery, are they Heisey?

He shared a wide variety of items, including a glass object whose purpose is still a mystery. Someone suggested to him that it might have been used in shoe store displays.

He searched through many books and catalogs to identify an unusual ashtray that was marked with the diamond H. He finally found it in one of the Vogel books - the No. 437 ashtray made in 1924, which is described as “an extremely heavy ash tray.”

Items he hasn’t been able to identify for certain include a container possibly used for mustard or horseradish, a mug, a screw top jar, and a water bottle. He also shared a fake Heisey toothpick holder, a Whirlpool tumbler and another that is nearly identical to it.

He also recounted the experience of taking some unidentified items to the Heisey Museum and getting assistance from Walter Ludwig to identify them.

He concluded that one often needs good insight, a good memory and good references to correctly identify some pieces of Heisey.

Mary passed around a flower frog she had purchased at the Heart of Ohio antique store and wondered it if was Heisey because it was good quality class and fit perfectly in the Waverly floral bowl. After members looked through some of Marv’s resources, it was determined not to be Heisey because it did not have the correct number of feet.

Show and Tell

  • Kay shared mugs featuring Lady Golfer, Tally Ho and Tavern etches. These are all items they enjoy using regularly.

  • Doug shared a Lodestar nappy in dawn and a New Era goblet with a Venus cutting that he purchased at the recent HCA auction.

  • Mary brought a Coleport oblong bowl with unknown cutting and a Wabash

  • sherbet with Frontenac etch in Hawthorne, also purchased at the recent HCA auction.

  • Chuck shared Dolphin fishbowl from his collection.

  • Bob shared a newly acquired tumbler with sailboat cutting.

  • Marv shared a tumbler from his collection with a Cowboy and Indian cutting.

  • Bev showed a Prince of Wales Plumes egg cup and a Cabochon oval floral bowl.


Marv and Joann served a variety of refreshments using their beautiful Crystolite and Victorian tableware.

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